Italian language and cultural school for foreigners
Students with scholarships
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Discounts and scholarships

Scholarships around the world

Each year, the Centro Machiavelli offers all Italian Cultural Institutes scholarships for Italian language courses.
Students who are interested should contact the Italian Cultural Institute nearest them to obtain information regarding applying for the scholarships.


Students from universities can get discounts by presenting a letter from their teacher attesting their course attendance along with their registration. Alternatively the teacher him/herself may contact Centro Machiavelli directly.

Bildungsurlaub for German students

The Centro Machiavelli is recognised for the Bildungsurlaub dai Laender of Hamburg and Berlin.

Student Grants - CSN Loans Italy. Swedish National Board of Student Aid

Our school is recognised by CSN Lund (Swedish National Board of Student Aid).

Swedish citizens who attend a long-term language course may apply for financial study assistance at the National Board of Student Aid (CSN – Centrala Studiestöds Nämnden) provided that the following requirements are met:

  • The language school is recognised by the Swedish educational authorities (CSN).
  • The language course has a minimum duration of 13 weeks.
  • The language course consists of at least 20 hours per week (ie full-time).
  • There is a mandatory exam at the completion of the course.
  • There is a mandatory attendance of 80%.

Two forms must be filled out in order to enrol: